Poetry, discussion, world events, different points of view, Robert Guinness, simple-mindedness, language
Published on February 29, 2004 By Andy Corson In Misc
Is poetry simply not cut out for blogs? I posted some of my poetry twice, and thus far the only comment was from a friend of mine. I think all of the hits recorded for the page were from me checking to see if people resonded. Maybe it is just not good material for blogs, but I thought some of my ideas might spark discussion. What do people think, should poetry not be part of the blog? Although I think it is one of the best forms of expression, it is possible that people are reluctant to comment because it requires interpretation. I know people on this blog are not worried about hurting my feelings with criticism (which, by the way, I invite, as any poet should). What is going on?


on Feb 29, 2004
I like poetry, but for some reason few people do.
on Feb 29, 2004
I always try to look for poetry. There are so many blogs here and it changes quickly. But trust me, there are other poets here. Maybe we could suggest a poetry catagory? But I"ll look for your poems!
on Feb 29, 2004
Yes a poetry category would help.
I found the only times i get comments on poetry is if i write a preface before the poem.   Perhaps something that explains why i wrote it, or maybe just something vaguely parallel.
on Feb 29, 2004
Well homey, now I will check out your stuff if you do the same for me. I've noticed the same thing though...only a few people have something to say about my poems. Which is fine, I just wish more people would read them. I'm kind of trying to form a little community of online poets and get an ongoing list through my blog to connect with other poets. WiseFawn has been very kind to read through a number of my poems.

Good luck,
and I'll be back
on Feb 29, 2004
One of you (and ONLY one) should make a blog-group for poetry that people can join!
on Feb 29, 2004
I agree with JeremyG. If people want, they can post poetry on my blog, Stock Wording. It is andycorson.joeuser.com. I think, though, that posts should be limited to a few poems with some commentary from the author and responses, reactions, interpretations, etc. What do you think? Oh, let me know if you have problems posting. I am new to this and don't know if all of my settings are correct.

on Feb 29, 2004
JoeUser is a social outlet, and unless you provide a social context for your poem, it's not going to attract a lot of attention.

on Feb 29, 2004
I have a group with no members would you like to be members of the group? It is called Seekers and you can post your poetry there?
If you want to just e-mail me or write another post on this column.